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Gorge du Dades, Gorge dur Todra, this area is filled with mountains, gorge and little villages. During the tourist season it's busy with loads of tourists buses and small vans. But in the beginning of December the area is for 2 Dutch cyclists. Most of the roads we cycled where not tarred at all in 1993. They were dusty tracks. But not where racing on smooth tarmac and enjoy a bit of a holiday ride in the middle of the Atlas mountains. And of course we see a lot of dromedaris. Number 724 is a funny one.

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Everybody goes to Merzouga. It's one of the highlights of Morocco. It's a playground for adults. A big place full of sand and people playing in it like it's a kindergarten. And yes, we did it too. It's the best place to test our truck in the sand. And that was very successful. It ploughs through the sand like it's his natural habitat. We never felt uncomfortable. Just get the right flow and hit the gas. From our basecamp in the desert we had a great time. Resting, eating driving, testing. The team (Tanja, Erik, Thilo, Jutta, Lisette and Marco) is ready for the next stage. 


Off course you can drive it yourself. But in about 6 minutes we show you how the route from Marzouga to Zagora is. So you don't need to drive it yourself....or you get so much motivated you start your engine right away. It's a classical route. Done by many but this year was a bigger challenge because of the rain and the muddy sections. In out movie you can see how we drive around and have a great journey. The landscape is changes every time. And with the rain a lot of parts are beautiful green. We've never seen that before. Great thanks to Tanja and Erik and to Thilo and Jutta for their great company.

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