Morocco to Mauritania

Our rough plan was to be in Senegal around December..
How hard could it be? Europe in a couple of days. And we've been in Morocco so many times so that should also not be a time consuming thing to do.
So if we stick to our original plan we're on time in Nigeria to cross into Cameroon before the raining seasons starts. This is important because there are hardly any roads over there so to get stuck with a 12 ton truck in the mud is not something we're looking forward to.
But as always in real live, things are changing. Our biggest problem is that the world is too beautiful to hit the gas and travel on top speed through every beautiful part. Ans off-course the cycling takes also a lot of time. So what's next?
Simple, we accept where we are and we're not going to speed things up. The trip till now is such a great experience we don't want to ruin it. We take it step by step and find solutions during the journey. We have about 6 different long term travel scenarios but for now the horizon is for about 1 week. That's more than enough. And what a great experience we had again in the month January!

When you expect nothing you get the most.
The idea was to quickly drive to Assa to dive back into the desert from there. A transition day, nothing special. Just tarmac. Nothing technical to drive. How hard can it be.
But we didn’t count on the gorge around Igmir How beautiful. The road twisted around great rock formations to end up in a deep canyon. We can see the damage of the last earthquake. Parts of the road is washed away and villages have a lot of damaged houses.
These are the last mountains before descending into the Sahara desert again.
Yes, we could take the highway straight to the coast. It's easier, less fuel consumption, no danger of breaking the truck or ourselves. Much more comfortable and it's taking less time.
But the desert is calling so we decide to take a track from Assa to Tan Tan. And what a great route again. No, it's totally not comfortable. Lots of rocks which makes driving a tedious experience. But on the way we see a desert totally transformed in a bed of green plants and a lot of herds of camels.

One road. Going South. For about 1000 kilometers.
In 1999 we cycled this epic road. Small, hardly any traffic.
Now the road is a lot better and with a little bit more traffic. The development in this area is enormous. New villages and cities are rapidly build. We see big fields with windmills. And cities like Tan Tan and Laayoune, Boujdour are hardly recognized by us. It's like driving on a new road.
The only thing what's the same is the emptiness. That's always an impressive feeling.